Like so many entrepreneurs, you wish to advance your affiliate marketing practices so that you can start to make a weekly or daily generated income. To accomplish this, you need to understand affiliate search marketing, and not just promoting a website alone. So you may ask, to gain a competitive advantage I will need a competitive analysis tool that can tell me what competition I have. So lets learn how the Affiliate Elite software can help.
Do some research on-line and see that it is a powerful, competitive market research tool which allows you to view your competition's affiliate marketing infromation. With Affiliate Elite you can find and view Affiliate sellers, view their Adwords ads, view their keywords, view the items they sell that make them tons of money.
PRO's: With Affiliate Elite, find products that convert into commissions. Affiliate Elite allows you to access the Clickbank and PayDotCom affiliate database of over thirty thousand, high commission affiliates, affiliate products, which include performance statistics. Imagine knowing what products are hot and selling like hotcakes right now, know the ones worth marketing, and know the ones that earn commissions immediately. The second great thing of this program is it allow you to find the keywords that your profitable competitors are using. The third is you now have competitive intelligence to know competitive information and use it for your advantage. So if you have or wish to find money making keywords you can, as this software allows you to capture the best keywords, find all their affiliate advertisers, view their online ads and of course view their website landing pages. Now the big last advantage, this software will allow you to find top websites for a niche product allowing you then to then contact the actual affiliates.
CON's: Perhaps the only ok two cons for this software is the time to learn and master it, and secondly the initial cost over $ 100. But once you utilize the large number of training videos they have, your learning curve is over and you will realize its full money making potential.